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Three Baby Teething Hacks

Are your child’s teeth coming in? Check out these teething hacks to soothe your baby’s aching gums!

Three Baby Teething Hacks

Breast Milk Pacifiers

Add breast milk to an ice tray, then add pacifiers to the top of each cube. Freeze for a frozen treat that will help relieve pain from your baby's sore gums.

Chamomile Tea Washcloth

Freeze a washcloth soaked in chamomile tea. Once cold, give it to baby to chew on. Not only will it soothe gums and collect drool, it will also help them relax and fall asleep.

Cold Applesauce

Babies can find relief by eating cold applesauce, which will feel good as it gently slides over your baby's gums. Add cinnamon for more flavor.