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Schnucks Coupon Policy

What Kinds of Coupons Does Schnucks Accept?

Schnucks accepts Schnucks Digital Coupons, printed manufacturer’s coupons (with some exceptions) and printed internet coupons (with some exceptions). Please review the information below to learn more about our policies and exceptions.

What Are Schnucks Digital Coupons?

Schnucks Digital Coupons are available on the Schnucks website and in the Schnucks Rewards app. Schnucks Rewards members can “clip” coupons to their digital wallet to be redeemed in store. There is no limit to the number of coupons that can be clipped. Schnucks Digital Coupons and printed coupons may not be combined for the same item in the same transaction. In the event a Schnucks Digital Coupon and a printed coupon are presented for use on the same item in a single transaction, the Schnucks Digital Coupon will be honored and the printed coupon will be returned to the Customer. Schnucks Digital Coupons cannot be doubled. Schnucks Digital Coupons that apply to an entire basket may not be combined for the same transaction.

Does Schnucks Offer Store Coupons?

Schnucks may issue store coupons. They could appear in store, on social media, attached to a product or mailed if there is a special event or promotion.

A store coupon would clearly feature our store’s name and typically feature an internal redemption code or barcode.

Can A Store Coupon and Manufacturer's Coupon Both Be Used on One Item?

Only one coupon can be used per item per transaction. Digital coupons and printed coupons may not be combined for the same item in the same transaction.

Does Schnucks Accept Competitor's Coupons?

Schnucks generally does not accept competitor’s coupons except for certain printed manufacturer’s coupons that are sometimes generated at the register of a competitor. These coupons must clearly state that they are manufacturer’s coupons and not store coupons. They must apply to a specific product and not merely “cents off” or “dollars off” an overall purchase. If you have any questions, please ask the manager on duty.

What Happens When the Value of A Coupon Exceeds the Price of the Product?

Schnucks does not redeem any coupon for a value that exceeds the price of the item to which it is applied. If a coupon’s value exceeds the price of the item, the value of the coupon will be adjusted so it does not exceed the item’s price. No refunds given.

Does Schnucks Limit the Number of Coupons That Can Be Used Per Transaction?

There is no limit to the number of coupons that can be redeemed at face value as long as only one coupon is presented per item per transaction. Schnucks does reserve the right to limit quantities and/or limit the number of identical coupons used to three (3) at any time.

If Schnucks Runs A "Buy One, Get One Free" Promotion, Can Manufacturer's Coupons Be Used?

In a “Buy One, Get One Free” promotion a Digital Coupon or printed manufacturer’s coupon can be used on the item being purchased. An additional coupon cannot be applied to the second item as it is already free.

Does Schnucks Accept Printed Internet Coupons?

Our printed internet coupon policy is below:

  • As with all manufacturer’s coupons, only one coupon per item can be applied.
  • Internet/home-printed coupons for FREE products will not be accepted unless the coupon is issued specifically by Schnucks.
  • Internet/home-printed coupons with a value greater than $5 will not be accepted unless the coupon is issued specifically by Schnucks.
  • We reserve the right to decline acceptance of any coupon that does not appear to be an original and/or any coupon that does not scan properly.
  • Please contact the manager on duty if you have any questions about a specific coupon or offer.

Last Updated: May 3, 2021