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Welcome to the Schnucks Loyalty Rewards Program (“Rewards Program”), a program that allows you to accrue Points toward a discount off your next grocery trip and free/discounted products. The Rewards Program is 100% free.

It is important that you read these entire Rewards Terms, which you accept when you participate in the Rewards Program. However, here are some of the highlights:

  • Points and other Rewards are subject to expiration, forfeiture and termination, have no cash value and you have no property or other interest or right to them, and may not transfer or encumber them.
  • Schnucks may change Points and other Rewards accrual and redemption terms, unless we have specifically committed otherwise in writing (e.g., limited time promotions). Please check the Rewards Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A regularly for current details.
  • Schnucks may terminate your membership, or the Rewards Program, at any time, in which case Points and other Rewards are forfeited.
  • Limited to legal residents of IL, IN, MO, and WI, 18 years or older, void where prohibited, and subject to eligibility requirements and program terms, conditions and limitations.
  • Does not apply to certain items as set forth on Exhibit A.
  • Identification may be required to redeem Rewards.
  • This Schnucks Rewards program may not be combined with any other rewards program which is offered or administered by Schnucks.
  • Subject to acceptance and consent to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Thank you for reviewing the terms and conditions (“Rewards Terms”) to the Rewards Program operated by Schnuck Markets, Inc. (“Schnucks” or “we” or “our” or “us”). By participating in the Rewards Program, you agree to these Rewards Terms, which govern the terms and conditions of the Rewards Program. Each time you engage in Rewards Program activities, (i) the then-current Schnucks Terms of Use posted at https://schnucks.com/ and through the Rewards App (“Terms of Use”) apply (with any conflicts resolved by application of these Rewards Terms) and are incorporated herein as part of these Rewards Terms, and (ii) you consent to our practices as set forth in the then-applicable Schnucks Privacy Policy available at https://schnucks.com/ and through the Rewards App (“Privacy Policy”). In some instances, both these Rewards Terms, including the rewards schedule attached as Exhibit A hereto (“Rewards Schedule”), and/or other additional terms explained in an offer or promotion setting forth additional or different terms and/or conditions will apply to your Rewards (in each such instance, and collectively “Rewards Additional Terms”). To the extent there is a conflict between these Rewards Terms and any Rewards Additional Terms, the Rewards Additional Terms will control.

Each time you participate in the Rewards Program (other than to merely access and read these Rewards Terms), you agree to be bound by and comply with then current Rewards Terms, and any applicable Rewards Additional Terms, subject to Section 12 hereof. Do not participate in the Rewards Program, and cancel your Rewards Account, if you do not agree to any of these Rewards Terms. Any previous participation will continue to be governed by the Rewards Terms, including any applicable Rewards Additional Terms, in place at the time of such participation.

  1. Accounts and Rewards Program Service
    1. Accounts
      To participate in the Rewards Program, you must complete the rewards program account (“Rewards Account” or “Account”) registration process, which may be done at a Participating Store, online at www.schnucks.com/rewards, through the Rewards App or in such other manner as we may offer. Registering an Account is not required to make a purchase and the Account registration process (including, without limitation, the collection of your personal information) is separate from any purchase transaction you may make at or around the same time. Registering an Account is required to earn and redeem Rewards. You must provide and maintain a valid e-mail address and, to use the Rewards App, the mobile phone number assigned to the mobile device to which the Rewards App is downloaded, and promptly update your account with any changes. You acknowledge that Schnucks may (i) communicate with you about Rewards Program changes, rewards and promotional materials through this e-mail address and to this mobile device as more fully set forth herein; (ii) share your account information with our trusted third party providers in connection with the Rewards Program; and (iii) use and share information and data about you as set forth in our Privacy Notice. You are not permitted to share your Account, Account credentials or Account access with others and are solely responsible for any third party Account access or activities, including any unauthorized Rewards redemptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, members of the same household can share an Account (for example, a husband and wife living in the same household can share an Account or a husband, wife and children 18 years or older living in the same household can share an Account). You agree to keep your Account information current and to secure your Account credentials and log-in information. You should alert us at schnucks.com/contact-us/ or 800-264-4400 in the event of suspected unauthorized access to or misuse of your Account, but you will remain solely responsible for any unauthorized use or misuse. You may view your Rewards Program activity at the Rewards section of www.schnucks.com/rewards/ (“Rewards Site”). From time-to-time we may provide you with other ways to access, update and use your Account. You agree to keep your Account information current, to secure your account credentials and log-in information and not to let others access or use your account. In order to cancel your Account, you can delete the Rewards App and unsubscribe from email communications about Rewards.
    2. Rewards Program Service
      We offer you the ability to participate in the Rewards Program through the use of an app on your mobile device (“Rewards App”) or at the Rewards Site. The Rewards App and the Rewards Site may offer you certain features and services that allow you to manage your Account. These features and services may include the ability to: (i) check your Points balance, (ii) access, select and redeem Rewards, (iii) update your Account information, (iv) see your credited purchase history and (v) reset your password. Some features of the Rewards Program (including the Rewards App, the Rewards Site and their supported platforms, websites or other services) (collectively, “Rewards Program Service”) may change from time-to-time and be discontinued without notice. Use of a feature constitutes your consent to all feature functionality, including data collection and use. Some features utilize geo-location to attempt to identify your location (e.g., geofiltering and location-based features) and/or may access your device and device files (e.g., contacts). Check the Rewards App settings menu, your device settings and any Rewards Additional Terms for more information on features and your choices regarding them. Unless otherwise provided in these Reward Terms or any applicable Rewards Additional Terms, you must use the Rewards Program Service to accrue or redeem Points, Rewards Program Discounts, or other Rewards or Reward Offers. Points, Rewards Program Discounts and other Rewards are limited to your Qualifying Purchase of Qualifying Products at any of the Participating Stores, or as otherwise may be set forth in applicable Reward Offers or otherwise in applicable Rewards Additional Terms (e.g., Rewards received for engaging in Qualifying Activities such as social media or other promotional activities).
    3. Wireless Features
      The Rewards Program Service may offer certain features and services via your wireless device. Features and services may include the ability to access the Rewards Program Service’s features, view menus, upload content to the Rewards Program Service, receive messages from the Rewards Program Service and download applications to your wireless device (collectively, “Wireless Features”). You agree to receive communication we may send through Wireless Features for which you are registered. Further, we may collect information related to your use of the Wireless Features. If you use Wireless Features, you agree to notify Schnucks of any changes to your wireless contact information (including phone number) and update your account to reflect the changes. If the Rewards Program Service includes push notifications or other mobile communications capability, you hereby approve our delivery of electronic communications directly to your mobile device. These notifications, including badge, alert or pop-up messages, may be delivered to your device even when the Rewards App is running in the background. You may have the ability, and it is your responsibility, to control the notifications you do, or do not, receive via your device through the device settings. Standard message, data and other fees may be charged by your carrier, and carriers may deduct charges from pre-paid amounts or data allowances, for which you are responsible. Your carrier may prohibit or restrict certain Wireless Features and certain Wireless Features may be incompatible with your carrier or wireless device. Contact your carrier with questions regarding these issues.
  2. Points
    1. General
      We may offer Rewards in the form of digital point(s) accrued as a result of a Qualifying Purchase (“Points”) at Participating Stores. Points have no cash or property value or equivalency even if they accumulated based on amounts (i.e., Dollars) spent, or they may be redeemed for certain “Dollars off” of a purchase. How many Points you can accrue, for what and when, and what the Points can be redeemed for and when (“Accrual and Redemption Opportunities”) may vary from time-to-time and from offer-to-offer, subject to the terms and conditions of applicable Rewards Additional Terms and as set forth in the applicable Reward Offer. Please check our Rewards Schedule (which is a form of Reward Additional Terms), attached as Exhibit A hereto, regularly for current details. Accrual and Redemption Opportunities may change from time-to-time, and from location to location, except to the extent specifically provided in applicable Rewards Additional Terms (e.g., certain terms offered for a limited promotional period). Unused Points will not expire for so long as you maintain an active account, but (i) Rewards and Rewards Offers (and their underlying Points) may expire subject to their terms, and any underlying Points that may have been redeemed with respect thereto will not be reinstated upon such expiration; and (ii) if your Rewards Program membership, or the Rewards Program, is cancelled or terminated, accrued Points will be forfeited. Accrual of Points is limited to your purchase of Qualifying Products at any of the Participating Stores, or as otherwise may be set forth in applicable Rewards Additional Terms (e.g., Rewards received for engaging in Qualifying Activities such as social media or other promotional activities). Where Points are based on Dollars spent, the applicable calculation will be based on the post-discounts net price you pay for the Qualifying Product, excluding taxes and other charges. Other restrictions may apply. We may choose to offer, in a manner not inconsistent with applicable law, incentive programs such as double Points, to certain, but not all, Rewards Program members. We reserve the right to forfeit or adjust Points if we cannot verify, to our sole satisfaction, the underlying Qualifying Purchase or other Qualifying Activity for the member claiming them, or in the event we suspect fraud or a violation of these Rewards Terms or applicable Rewards Additional Terms.
    2. Accruing Points
      The time of checkout is the only time that you can earn or redeem Points. You currently have two options for adding Points from your Qualifying Purchases into your Rewards Program Account: (1) scanning your barcode using the Rewards App or (2) entry of rewards number (which is your phone number). To scan your barcode, open the Rewards App from your mobile device, touch the “View Rewards” button in the Rewards App or tap the barcode icon at the bottom right of the App screen, and then select how much you want to redeem (if anything) and give your phone to the checker to scan. The checker will scan your barcode from your phone. If you do not have your phone with you at the time of checkout, you can still earn Points by entering your rewards number (which is your phone number) on the pin pad. All qualifying Points will be added to your Account following your scan or manual entry. Your printed receipt will show Points earned and redeemed. The Rewards App will show how many Points you have and how many Points you are able to use in redemptions. If you make a Qualifying Purchase and were not able to successfully scan your barcode or manually enter your rewards number (which is your phone number), you may contact customer care at 800-264-4400 or schnucks.com/contact-us/ for help. Points that are the subject of any confirmation notice are still subject to adjustment by us. We may offer other means of adding Points to your account. For more information on current Points Accrual and Redemption Opportunities, check the Rewards Schedule, attached as Exhibit A hereto, and see any other then available Rewards Offers and Rewards Additional Terms.
  3. Qualifying Products, Purchases and Activities
    You may typically have the ability to accrue Points for every Dollar you spend at Schnucks Participating Stores, on post-discount cash amount actually paid for then qualifying products (“Qualifying Products”). You may redeem Points on taxes but not earn Points on taxes. Additionally, you can redeem points on taxes for products that are not eligible in the Rewards Program. Typically, Qualifying Products do not include the purchase of any products we may designate on Exhibit A or if required to comply with applicable law. From time-to-time we may change what items are Qualifying Products, so check applicable promotions, Reward Offers and the Rewards Schedule and other Rewards Additional Terms for details. Points will only be issued for purchases of Qualifying Products at Participating Stores that meet all the terms, conditions and requirements of these Rewards Terms and applicable Reward Offer terms and Reward Schedule and other Rewards Additional Terms at the time of purchase (“Qualifying Purchase”). Purchases made prior to becoming a Reward Program member do not count for receiving Points or Rewards. Other exclusions to Qualifying Purchases may apply. Check applicable Rewards Additional Terms for details. Occasionally we may offer a way to receive Points or Rewards for non-purchase activities, subject to applicable Rewards Additional Terms (“Qualifying Activities”), which will be subject to our satisfaction, in our sole discretion, that all applicable terms and conditions were met by you personally (and without use of automated method), and that there is no actual or suspected fraud, misconduct, illegal activity or inappropriate behavior present. To the extent Qualifying Activities involve you engaging in activity that exposes Schnucks to your friends or the public (e.g., social media posts) you will do so only in a manner that makes it clear that you are potentially eligible for Rewards by doing so (e.g., #SchnucksPromotion, #Sponsored, etc.) as more fully explained here: HTTPS://WWW.FTC.GOV/TIPS-ADVICE/BUSINESS-CENTER/ADVERTISING-AND-MARKETING/ENDORSEMENTS and that otherwise complies with applicable Rewards Additional Terms. Qualifying Activities may also include things like the occasion of your birthday, holidays or other events that we may deem from time to time to qualify for Points or other Rewards.
  4. Rewards and Benefits
    1. Points and Other Rewards
      The Rewards Program provides you with the ability to receive discounts, credits, Points, or other benefits (collectively “Rewards”). Points and Rewards have no cash value or equivalency, and neither Rewards Program participants nor any third party shall have any property or other right or interest in or to Points or other Rewards (including, without limitation, no community property interests apply to a spouse’s Points and other Rewards and they are not descendible upon death) and you may not sell, gift, encumber or transfer Points or other Rewards, Reward Offers (defined below) or a Rewards Account. In the event any applicable law shall hold otherwise, you agree that your unredeemed Points and other Rewards shall be deemed to have never accrued or issued. Schnucks may terminate, or change, any aspect of Rewards (including, without limitation, accrual, redemption, expiration and benefit terms and conditions) (“Rewards Benefits”), at its sole discretion except to the extent specifically provided in applicable Rewards Additional Terms (e.g., certain terms offered for a limited promotional period). Rewards Benefits, including without limitation Rewards, Reward Offers and Rewards Program Discounts, may be subject to geographic eligibility and other restrictions. For a summary of current standard Rewards Benefits, check the Rewards Schedule, attached as Exhibit A hereto. Also, be sure to look at each Reward Offer for applicable Rewards Additional Terms, which may alter standard Rewards Benefits. Currently we treat failure to use the Rewards Program to accumulate Points, accept a Reward Offer or redeem a Reward at least once during any 12-month period as an extended period of inactivity that qualifies your Account to be charged $1.50 each month following the 12 month period of inactivity until you use the Rewards Program again. The $1.50 per month charge shall be deducted from your earned store credit balance in your Account. This $1.50 per month deduction from your earned store credit balance will continue (assuming your Rewards Program remains inactive) until all of your earned store credit has been deducted from your Account. After the entirety of your earned store credit has been deducted from your Account (assuming your Rewards Program remains inactive), any remaining accrued Points in your Account will be deducted from your Account in the month following the month when your remaining earned in-store credit has been deducted from your Account. We reserve the right to change the terms of inactivity consequences from time to time.“Reward Offer(s)” are free items or in-store discounts on products that we may make from time-to-time, which are subject to their terms and conditions and any applicable Rewards Additional Terms. You will be able to earn Points every day for every dollar that you spend with Schnucks (excluding those items that are not authorized to be part of the Rewards Program).“Rewards Program Discounts,” where available, are a form of Reward Offer and, if issued by us or otherwise accepted by you, a Reward. Rewards Program Discounts, which, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Reward Offer or applicable Rewards Additional Terms, may be used to reduce the amount you pay for the base, pre-tax Qualifying Products purchase price off future Qualifying Purchases from Participating Stores, subject to geographic eligibility and other restrictions. Product availability may vary and may be limited. Rewards Program Discounts may only be applied against actual net purchase amounts (i.e., after applying any other applicable discounts) equal to or greater than the sum of the amount of Reward Offer(s) discount presented for redemption (e.g., an “up to” Dollars off discount), excluding Non-Qualifying Redemptions. This is because, as explained above, Rewards and Reward Offers have no cash or property value. Further, if a Reward is for a discount amount in excess of the pre-tax purchase price of Qualifying Products, we may be unable to process that transaction in some instances and in such case the Reward Program Discount or other Reward Offer cannot be applied to that transaction. Reward Offers may be used only once and must be used before they expire. Rewards and Reward Offers are not transferable or encumberable and, thus, may only be used by the member to whom issued. Reward Offers for products or services at Schnucks may typically be used in conjunction with most, but not all, other discounts or offers toward the purchase of Qualifying Products (check applicable Reward Offer terms and other Rewards Additional Terms for details) at Participating Stores.We are not responsible for Points or other Rewards, or Reward Offers, that might be removed or deleted from your Account for any reason, including security compromise, technical error or otherwise, or for lost or stolen Rewards Cards.
      If you do not complete the acceptance, use or redemption of an applicable Reward or Reward Offer before it expires, any applicable underlying Points or other Rewards will forfeit and will not be returned or returnable to your Rewards Account.We may occasionally offer you the ability to redeem Rewards Offers via the Rewards App (subject to its availability) while shopping at Participating Stores. You may choose to redeem your Points for a Rewards Offer available to you in the Rewards App at the particular time you visit (unless the item is free in which case no Points will be redeemed or deducted for the free item), subject to applicable Rewards Additional Terms that may apply to certain redemption options. Product availability may vary and may be limited. Schnucks will deduct your redeemed Points from, or otherwise adjust, your Rewards account at the time of redemption from the Participating Store. Once redeemed, you cannot reverse the redemption transaction.
    2. Redemption
      Once you have made enough Qualifying Purchases, or completed enough Qualifying Activities, for an applicable redemption, you may use your Rewards App to redeem your Points. We may, from time-to-time, also provide you with opportunities to elect to redeem Points for a Reward by timely accepting a Reward Offer subject to its terms, at which point your Account will be credited for the applicable Reward, which once credited you may redeem at a Participating Store. Sometimes you will have options as to what Rewards you want to redeem Points for, or what Reward you can choose as part of an applicable Reward Offer. On occasion we may offer Rewards or Reward Offer options that involve redemption or completion through a third party, in which case they will be subject also to that third party’s terms and conditions. Schnucks will deduct your redeemed Points from, or otherwise adjust, your Rewards Account after the time of redemption, usage, expiration, termination or forfeiture. Once a Reward Offer is selected or otherwise accepted, you cannot reverse the Points redemption transaction, even if the related Reward expires before it is used or completed or it is lost, stolen or compromised.Reward Discounts, and other Rewards, can typically be applied to your purchase by showing the Reward in the Rewards App to a Schnucks cashier at the time you are making a purchase at a Participating Store. In order to redeem your Reward Offer(s) using the Rewards App, you must (i) activate the Reward from your Rewards App and (ii) show the barcode from the Rewards App to the Schnucks cashier. Your cashier will verify the Reward, and following verification, will apply the appropriate credit toward your check. Schnucks will remove your Reward from your Account at the time of redemption. The following items are, unless otherwise expressly provided in applicable Rewards Additional Terms, considered non-qualifying redemptions for which Rewards and Reward Offers may not be used, applied or otherwise redeemed: alcoholic beverages and other products we may designate on Exhibit A or where required to be excluded by applicable law (“Non-Qualifying Redemptions”). Tax may still be required to be paid on the full value of products or services for which the price was reduced by a Rewards Program Discount or other Reward. Unless otherwise stated in Reward Offer terms or other applicable Rewards Additional Terms, you may typically combine redemptions with e-mail and printed coupons. Other conditions and exclusions may apply as set forth in applicable Reward Offers and Rewards Additional Terms.
    3. Birthday Reward
      On your birthday (as originally entered in your Schnucks Rewards account), you will receive a digital coupon via the Schnucks Rewards app redeemable for one (1) free donut ("Birthday Reward"). To qualify for your Birthday Reward, you must (a) download the Schnucks Rewards app and (b) provide your birthday in your account information. Your Birthday Reward will be automatically added to your Rewards account during the week of your birthday and is valid only for the period listed on the coupon. To redeem, you must (a) clip the digital coupon in the app and (b) scan the Rewards barcode in the App or enter your Rewards phone number at checkout at any Schnucks location. Offer is valid for one (1) donut and excludes danishes, muffins, and other bakery items as listed. You can add your birthday to your account by either logging in to your Schnucks Rewards account at schnucks.com/rewards or editing your profile in the Schnucks Rewards app. You will receive one Birthday Reward per Rewards account per calendar year based on the birth date provided. Schnucks reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the terms and availability of the Birthday Reward at any time for any reason
  5. Eligibility
    Rewards Program membership is open to legal residents of the States of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin for personal, non-commercial use at Participating Stores. You must be 18 years of age or older. Geographic and other eligibility restrictions may apply to some aspects of our Rewards Program. Resellers are excluded from the Rewards Program and from receiving Points, Rewards Program Discounts and other Rewards or Reward Offers. If we mistakenly issue Points, Rewards Program Discounts or other Rewards or Reward Offers for resale purchases, or to resellers, we reserve the right to deduct those and/or to invalidate improperly issued Reward Offers. If you are found, in our sole discretion to be a reseller, your Rewards Account may be terminated.
  6. Member Communications
    1. E-mail Messages
      You may cancel or modify our e-mail marketing communications you receive from us by following the instructions contained within our promotional e-mails. This will not affect subsequent subscriptions and if your opt-out is limited to certain types of e-mails the opt-out will be so limited. Please note that we reserve the right to send you certain communications relating to your Account or use of our Rewards Program Service, such as administrative and service announcements and these transactional Account messages may be unaffected if you choose to opt-out from receiving our marketing communications.
    2. Text Messages
      You may opt in to receive recurring promotional Texts in various ways, including by signing up online when you join Schnucks Rewards or through the settings in your Schnucks Rewards account. The number of Texts you receive each month may vary depending on your interactions with us. Although Texts are complimentary, message and data rates may apply. Depending on your text and data plan, you may be charged by your carrier to receive Texts. By enrolling to receive Texts, you certify that (1) you are the account holder of the mobile number you are enrolling (or you have the account holder’s permission to enroll the number), and (2) you agree to the practices described in these Terms and in our Privacy Policy. Consent to receive marketing Texts is not required as a condition of purchasing any goods or services. Autodialer or non autodialer technology may be used to send the Texts described above to the mobile phone number you enroll. You agree to maintain accurate, complete, and up-to-date information with us, including if you cease being the account holder of the mobile number you enrolled to receive Texts. You consent to the use of electronic record-keeping to document your consent to receive Texts and other communications with us regarding the Program. To stop receiving Texts, simply respond by texting “STOP” to any Text(s) you have received. Consumers may receive one additional message confirming opt-out. You can also text “HELP” if you need assistance. Schnucks does not guarantee availability or performance of text messaging services, and is not responsible for delays related to the transmission of Texts or for undelivered Texts.
    3. Compatible Mobile Carriers
      Texts may not be available in all areas or supported by all carriers or all devices. Supported carriers include: AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, Boost, Virgin Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Cricket, MetroPCS, and other regional carriers. We may add or remove any wireless carriers from the Program at any time without notice. Check with your carrier for details. Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
    4. Our Content
      We try to keep our content current and accurate, but Rewards Program and product information, and other content, on the Rewards Site are not guaranteed, and not all items, pricing and offers are available in all of our locations. Actual availability and pricing will be determined at each applicable Schnucks Store location.
  7. Membership Cancellation and Termination
    You may uninstall the Rewards App at any time. Uninstalling the Rewards App, or an extended period of not using the Rewards App, may result in cancellation of your Rewards Program membership (or just your accrued Points, in our discretion), in which case you will forfeit all remaining Points, Rewards and Reward Offers.In addition, we may not issue you any Reward(s), and you will forfeit all Points, Rewards and Reward Offers accrued, if we (a) terminate your Account because of conduct that we determine, in our discretion, violates these Rewards Terms, Rewards Additional Terms, or any applicable law, involves fraud or misuse of Rewards Program membership, or is harmful to our interests or another customer; or (b) terminate the Rewards Program. We also reserve the right to deny future membership if we deem your conduct to have violated these Rewards Terms, Rewards Additional Terms or our Terms of Use. Our failure to insist upon or enforce your strict compliance with any such terms and conditions will not constitute a waiver of any of our rights.In the event that we detect any fraud or misuse in connection with your Rewards Account, we may freeze your Rewards Account. While your Rewards Account is frozen, you may continue to earn Points but you will not be allowed to redeem the Points until it can be determined that there was no fraud or misuse in connection with your Rewards Account. If we determine, in our sole discretion, that there has been fraud in connection with your Rewards Account, we may reduce the number of Points or dollars accumulated in your Rewards Account which have been earned by such fraudulent activity. In the event of any fraud or misuse associated with your Rewards Account, we may terminate your Rewards Account. In the event of such a termination of your Rewards Account, you will no longer be allowed to earn Points and you will only be allowed to redeem any remaining dollars which have accumulated in your Rewards Account as of the date of termination of your Rewards Account which were not obtained by fraudulent activity.
  8. Limitations
    Only one Rewards Program membership will receive Points for any one transaction. As more fully set forth in Section 2 and Section 4, Points and Rewards have no cash or property value and may not be transferred, assigned or encumbered. Additional restrictions may apply pursuant to Reward Offer and promotions terms, and other Rewards Additional Terms.Occasionally we may test new products, services or promotions. Some of these tests may have implications on Rewards Program members that may vary from the terms as stated here. When different policies or terms apply, we will communicate that to you through Rewards Additional Terms or otherwise.
  9. Dispute Resolution and Class Action Waiver
    As permitted by applicable law, you and Schnucks agree that all disputes pertaining to the Rewards Program or these Rewards Terms will be resolved through binding arbitration. You and Schnucks also agree that disputes will be arbitrated only on an individual basis and will not be joined or consolidated with any other arbitrations or other proceedings that involve any claim or controversy of any other party. YOU AND SCHNUCKS AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. All such disputes shall be handled according to the dispute resolution terms and conditions set forth in the Schnucks Terms of Use, which shall govern in the event of a conflict with these Rewards Terms.
  10. General Rewards Program Information
    The Rewards Program and its content, logos, taglines, and trademarks are the intellectual property of Schnucks; all rights reserved.These Rewards Terms are void where and to the extent prohibited by applicable law. The interpretation and application of these Rewards Terms is in the sole discretion and determination of Schnucks, which in each case you irrevocably agree shall be conclusive.We are not liable for any mistake that we may make with respect to awarding or accruing Points, redemption of Points or any other aspect of the Rewards Program. We do not guarantee any accuracy with respect to any aspect of the Rewards Program and we will not be liable for any inaccuracy in connection with the operation of the Rewards Program.Taxes may apply to Points and Rewards accrual and/or redemption where required by law.The Terms of Use, set forth, among other things, the terms and conditions pertaining to limitations of liability, disclaimer of warranty, and governing law applicable to the Rewards Program. The Rewards Program Services are Services as defined by our Terms of Use, which are incorporated herein by reference. Please visit our Terms of Use for more details. Collectively, the Rewards Terms, any applicable Rewards Additional Terms, and any terms incorporated into such by reference, constitute our complete agreement with you regarding the Rewards Program and supersede all prior agreements, offers or representations, and can only be amended or waived by an authorized officer of Schnucks.
  11. Privacy Policy
    The information you provide as a member of the Rewards Program will be handled according to the Schnucks Privacy Policy and you consent to our practices as described therein. The Rewards Program Services are Services as defined by our Privacy Policy. If you are interested in learning more about Schnucks’ privacy practices, please review the Privacy Policy.
  12. Updates to Rewards Terms
    These Rewards Terms (or if applicable Rewards Additional Terms) shall govern the Rewards Program as it applies to you from time-to-time. AS OUR PROGRAM EVOLVES, THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH WE OFFER THE REWARDS PROGRAM MAY BE MODIFIED AND WE MAY CEASE OFFERING THE PROGRAM UNDER THE REWARDS TERMS OR APPLICABLE REWARDS ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREVIOUSLY OFFERED. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT EACH TIME YOU SIGN IN TO YOUR REWARDS ACCOUNT, OR OTHERWISE USE THE REWARDS PROGRAM (E.G., ACCUMULATING POINTS, ACCEPTING A REWARD OFFER OR REDEEMING A REWARD), YOU ARE ENTERING INTO A NEW AGREEMENT WITH US ON THE THEN APPLICABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND YOU AGREE THAT WE MAY NOTIFY YOU OF NEW TERMS BY POSTING THEM ON THE REWARDS SITE (OR IN ANY OTHER REASONABLE MANNER OF NOTICE WHICH WE ELECT), AND THAT YOUR CONTINUED REWARDS PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP AFTER SUCH NOTICE CONSTITUTES YOUR GOING FORWARD AGREEMENT TO THE NEW TERMS FOR YOUR NEW USE AND TRANSACTIONS. Therefore, you should review the posted Rewards Terms, and any applicable Rewards Additional Terms, each time you use the Rewards Program. Any new Rewards Terms or Rewards Additional Terms will be effective as to new use and transactions as of the time that we post them, or such later date as may be specified in them or in other notice to you. However, the Rewards Terms, and any applicable Rewards Additional Terms, that applied when you previously transacted will continue to apply to such prior transactions (i.e., changes and additions are prospective only) unless mutually agreed. In the event any notice to you of new, revised or additional terms is determined by a tribunal to be insufficient, the prior agreement shall continue until sufficient notice to establish a new agreement occurs. In the event any tribunal finds any changed terms to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, such will be severed to the extent necessary for the remainder to be valid and enforceable. You should frequently check the Rewards Site and the e-mail you associated with your Account, for notices, both of which you agree are reasonable manners of providing you notice. You can reject any new, revised or additional terms by terminating your Rewards Program membership as set forth in Section 7 and continued membership constitutes acceptance.

Exhibit A

Rewards Schedule

This information is current as of 11/20/2020.

Defined terms are indicated by initial caps and have the meaning ascribed to them in our Reward Terms, to which this Exhibit A is attached.

Additional terms and conditions may apply as stated in applicable Reward Offers, promotional offers or as made available at Participating Stores.

Accruing Points. You will typically have the potential to accrue 10 Points for every $1.00 that you spend on Qualifying Purchases of Qualifying Products at Participating Stores. Redemption is possible once you reach increments of 500 points. For every 500 Points you earn, you will receive $1 to redeem towards a purchase.

The maximum amount for redeeming is $1,000.00 (which is equivalent to 500,000 Points) and this is the maximum amount that can be maintained in your Account. Purchases made prior to joining the Rewards Program and discounts on your purchases do not count for accruing Points.

You can earn and redeem Points on over-the-counter pharmacy items.

You cannot earn or redeem Points on third party gift cards, lottery purchases, money orders, wire transfers, purchases made at the Schnucks Bistro and transactions made at customer service (including, but not limited to, rug doctor rentals and third party bill payments). You can earn but not redeem Points on Schnucks Delivers, Schnucks Floral and Schnucks Cooks and cooking school classes.

You can earn Points on alcohol purchases but you cannot redeem Points on alcohol.

With respect to Schnucks Gift Cards, Points can be earned on the purchase of a Schnucks Gift Card. You cannot use Points to purchase a Schnucks Gift Card. You cannot earn points when using a Schnucks Gift Card to pay for purchases.

With respect to corporate credit cards, it is up to the corporation to determine if the employee or corporation gets Points when the card is used.

Instacart Shoppers are prohibited from earning Points in their Rewards Account when making purchases for customers.

You can earn Points on Double Up Food Bucks and redeem Points after Double Up Food Bucks have been applied.

Points must be earned and redeemed at the point of sale at the time of purchase in store. Points cannot be earned or redeemed at a later date if not earned or redeemed at the point of sale at the time of purchase.

You can only redeem Points on the remaining balance of a purchase after The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) has been applied.

You can only redeem Points on the remaining balance of a purchase after a coupon has been applied.

You cannot earn Points on Points being used for a purchase.

You earn Points before sales tax is applied to your purchase. You can redeem Points for sales taxes, but you can’t earn Points on the value of sales taxes.

Multiple accounts cannot be linked. If a household wants to use the same account, one login can be shared and used among household members.

Other restrictions may apply.

Additional Non-Qualifying Redemptions may be excluded from redemption in Reward Offer terms, or terms made available at any particular Participating Store.

Reward Offers and Rewards are not transferable or encumberable and, thus, may only be used by the member to whom issued. Identification may be required. Rewards may be used in conjunction with most, but not all, other Schnucks discounts or offers toward the purchase of other than Non-Qualifying Redemptions products and services, and such usage will be subject to confirmation at the time of Reward usage and may differ from location to location and from time to time.

“Participating Stores” are limited to our locations in the following jurisdictions: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin.