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Quiche Kaboom! 4 Ways

Stop, drop, KABOOM: quiche four ways for whatever you’re craving.

8 Serving(s)
Quiche Kaboom! 4 Ways


  • 1 cup Schnucks shredded cheese of choice
  • 1 Schnucks ready-to-fill deep-dish pie crust
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 1/4 cups half-and-half
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sprinkle shredded cheese onto bottom of pie crust. Prepare chosen ingredients (see recipe notes) and add to crust.
  2. Whisk together eggs, half-and-half, salt and teaspoon black pepper; pour into crust. Bake uncovered 40–45 minutes or until eggs are set. Let cool 10 minutes.
  3. Slice and serve. Refrigerate up to 3 days or freeze up to 3 months.
  4. To Reheat: If frozen, thaw quiche in refrigerator overnight. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place quiche in a baking dish, cover with foil and let sit on counter while oven preheats. Bake 25–30 minutes or until warmed through. Or microwave each slice on high 1–1/2 minutes

Recipe Notes

Broc ’n’ Roll

1 cup prepared frozen broccoli florets + 8 strips cooked and crumbled low-sodium bacon + 2 tbsp. chopped parsley

      Taco ’Bout Tasty

      1 cup prepared frozen pepper and onion strips + 1/2 lb. lean ground beef cooked with taco seasoning + 2 tbsp. chopped cilantro

          Ham it Up

          1 cup Schnucks canned sliced mushrooms (drained) + 1/2 cup cubed ham + 2 tbsp. fresh thyme leaves

              Mama Mia! Delicioso!

              1 cup halved local cherry tomatoes + 1/2 lb. cooked ground turkey sausage + 2 tbsp. sliced basil